At the Centre for Executive Education (CEE), our mission is to assist leaders in the commercial, public, and non-profit sectors towards developing their readiness to survive and thrive in the post-pandemic era of a digital-driven world of work. Together with our research affiliate, the Disruptive Leadership Institute (DLI), which places cutting-edge research at its core, we produce rigorous, independent thinking to offer fresh perspectives on managing the leadership and organizational challenges in a highly disruptive and everchanging workplace of the future.
Combining the power of innovative research techniques with a deep understanding of our client’s industries, our team of researchers and analysts from our extended global network of established human resource management and executive development consulting firms, including our strategic partner, Executive Development Associates (EDA), we publish best practices and benchmarking research reports, articles and points of view every year. EDA’s thought-provoking biennial Report on Trends in Executive Development allows us to offer real-world solutions for our clients.