January 13, 2015, Singapore – The Centre for Executive Education (CEE), today announced results from the first comparative study in Singapore to focus on attitudes, behaviours and the workplace preferences of both Generation Y (ages 20 to 34) and Generation Z (ages 16 to 19). Key takeaways from the findings show:
- Gen Y seeks career growth and advancement whereas for Gen Z job satisfaction is a priority.
- Gen Z prefers greater workplace flexibility, a better balance between their work and home life with telecommuting facilities or a work-from-home arrangement, whereas Gen Y favours traditional hours and method of
- 95% of Gen Z and 85% of Gen Y cited their ideal manager as a coach or mentor figure. They also expect their leaders to be effective communicators and good
- 75% of Gen Y and Z indicated they expect to remain with an organization for less than five years. Gen Z generally expects to stay in their current position for at least 3 to 5 years. Gen Y, however, is less
- While both generations value company leadership and employer’s branding, job titles and in-house training are not major areas of consideration for
- Gen Y tends to switch jobs if they are promised higher pay, while Gen Z is more swayed by better perks and
- Gen Y favours working with a supervisor that they can respect and learn from, Gen Z places working with people they enjoy as a top priority for an ideal work
- Both Gen Y and Z involve themselves in causes outside work. They are drawn to socially responsible organizations.
According to Professor Sattar Bawany, CEO of Centre for Executive Education (CEE), who is also the Principal Investigator for the Research, the study highlights attributes that distinguish Gen Z and Gen Y employees from a talent management perspective. “This study provides an insightful picture and practical recommendations of what Singapore employers can use to inspire, motivate and engage this newest generation as part of their overall talent recruitment and retention strategy.”
Entitled “Inspiring Your Future Workforce: How to Lead and Engage Gen Y and Z Effectively” the study queried both Gen Y and Z respondents whose views were obtained via an online survey and with the results further validated during focus group interviews. The study both confirmed and dispelled stereotypes about Gen Y who are also known as the Millennials – who increasingly are making up a larger part of today’s workforce; and shed new insights on Gen Z who are on the verge of joining the corporate world.
“Managers should be authentic and lead from the front and by example or adopt servant leadership, instead of a commanding or directive style. These younger generations need guidance through coaching and mentoring rather than control and micro-management. A highly engaging and interactive management style characterized by open communication works best for this generation.” says Prof Bawany.
He notes that in light of the desire of both generations to be involved in activities and initiatives related to various societal issues, employers are recommended to tap into that interest by involving them in charitable activities. Come up with a sabbatical policy that would allow these employees to embark on paid leave in support of worthwhile causes.
Additionally, he says “Flexibility is vital to managing Gen Y and Z, especially if your organization comprises a multigenerational workforce. By understanding these next generations of employees and adapting your management styles accordingly, you can effectively harness their potential while maintaining the loyalty of other staff, thus effectively attracting and retaining employees, building high-performance teams, dealing with change and increasing employee engagement.”
About CEE’s ‘Inspiring Your Future Workforce’ Study
Survey data was collected from 304 respondents from both Gen Y and Z in Singapore from September 2014 to January 2015. Their views were obtained via an online survey and the results were further validated during focus group interviews.
Submit a request for copies of the Research Report here.
About Centre for Executive Education (CEE)
For more information, visit www.cee-global.com