“Based on the feedback from the C-Suite leaders, as well as from my observations as the CEO and Sponsor, both CEE and you as the Coach have exceeded our expectations for such a coaching engagement.
Today, the C-Suite leaders have someone they can talk to, discuss facts with, and get clear, concise, “right-on” feedback that they can take and immediately implement. Your advice is always spot on! They have learned to have confidence in your counsel because it works. Both CEE and your approach is all about results and relationships and keepsthem focused on these high leverage areas. Your invaluable insights come from the rare combination of being a seasoned and successful global executive development practitioner, having solid academic credentials, and a strong track record of coaching and consulting experience as evidenced by others that you have helped.
We would highly recommend you as an Executive Coach to any organization that would like to transform their senior leadership team and developing a next-generation leadership pipeline”